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İkinci El INELME Láser SILCL 1 2006 satılık

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Benzer makineleri:

Anilox, silindirler ve plaka yıkayıcı - INELME - Láser SILCL 1

Bilgi INELME Láser SILCL 1

Referans: 300029178


Yıl: 2006

Diğer özellikler:

Cylinder Washing with SILCL 1 Laser Machine.

SLICL is a cleaning system specially designed for the optimal treatment of anilox cylinders. By means of an innovative and powerful laser beam system, all dirt in any cylinder is removed efficiently, quickly, easily and harmlessly for the cylinder and the environment.

The cleaning is performed by a special optical laser which is designed to protect the etched ceramic surface, and, at the same time, vaporize the elements not belonging to this surface. It eliminates the remains of dried inks, adhesives, waxes, silicones and Teflon that may remain on the surface and inside the cells, without damaging them.

Efficient cleaning of any ink, residue or adhesive.
Extremely fast cleaning.
Absolutely innocuous.
Suitable for any lineation.
Environmentally friendly, no waste products

Working temperature: 10 to 35 oC
Storage temperature: above 5 oC
Humidity: 75%
Dust: Housing ready for industrial environment.
Dimensions (length x height x depth): 2945 x 1480 x 1311 mm

Maximum length of cylinder: 1800 mm
Maximum diameter of cylinder: 300mm

Electric power: 220V, 50Hz. 17A, 3700W

Steel frame, with guide for movement of laser unit with an accuracy of 0.1mm by a 100W servomotor.



The SILCL machine rotates the cylinder while the laser beam separates and volatilizes all the residue deposited thereon (dry ink, adhesives, etc.) Meanwhile, a pneumatic dispersion nozzle dispels the particles that come away from the surface, thus preventing the contamination of the beam.

Such is the laser’s efficacy that it is even possible to clean the shaft area closest to the casing, while its speed and absolute innocuousness mean that the cylinder can be cleaned after every job. Constant operation leads to the anilox cells becoming obstructed to such extent that transfer fails to occur, reducing print quality. That is why regular, effective cleaning is a necessity. However, some cleaning methods cause the deterioration of the surface of the anilox cylinder, reducing the quantity of the cells or destroying them outright.

The advantages are easily seen for the users of anilox rollers, mainly for those rollers which have high lineation, where the lines get dirty easily and are difficult to clean with other systems. SILCL cleans where other systems cannot. Laser technology preserves the life of all kind of anilox rollers, provides a thorough cleaning and its regular use doesn't damage the cylinder.

When the cylinders are kept clean on a regular basis, a bigger control over the printing results can be observed, since the intensity and quality of printed colors are kept constant. As there is no mechanical action over the anilox surface, its ceramic remains intact, as new. Even in cleanings at maximum power and time (for very dirty anilox cylinders), the ceramic surface will not suffer any alterations (certified tests done by independent laboratories).

The system has a simple, intuitive interface that makes it possible to configure the cylinder or sleeve size, the nature of the cleaning to be undertaken, time, speed, the number of of times that the laser is to be applied, the power level, etc. SILCL has two cleaning codes that are introduced in the machine and cater for the different degrees of dirtiness of the cylinder, the first one for moderate dirt and the second one for very dirty cylinders. Besides, the display shows at all times the machine status, the remaining time, the alarms or the laser lamp status.

The cleaning is carried out really quickly. For example, the system cleans a cylinder 1500mm long and 150 mm of diameter in just around 60 minutes.

Environmentally-friendly and flexible cleaning.

The system offers the maximum respect to the environment, maximum comfort and safety at the workplace, as it doesn’t require any maintenance for its operation, nor liquids, nor chemicals. A laser lamp which has a life span over 250 working hours is the only spare part needed. The maintenance of the machine consists of replacing this laser flash lamp when the system indicates it. The vaporised dirt is collected in a extraction container, thus minimizing the maintenance.

Therefore the SILCL is the most environmentally-friendly, sustainable and comfortable cleaning method, as it doesn’t generate contaminant agents or require toxic waste. It only requires a more than reasonable electrical consumption.

Danışmanlığa mı ihtiyacınız var?

Sizi kullanılmış makinelerin uluslararası, değişken ve karmaşık bir ortamda alım satım sürecinin tamamı boyunca yönlendireceğiz. Satış, lojistik, hukuk ve pazarlama ekiplerimiz, işlemi kolay ve riskten uzak bir hale getirmek için süreç boyunca sizinle birlikte olacak.

Makine fiyatını sorun

Anilox, silindirler ve plaka yıkayıcı - INELME - Láser SILCL 1 - Ref.300029178

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