Cup Form-Fill & Seal machines TMCI PADOVAN, We provide a quality service in the buying and selling of used machinery, with all the services necessary to achieve a successful transaction.
Ref.: 300039759
Year: 1991
Cup form fill and seal machine TMCI Newpack
Products: Marmalade, Honey
Complete refurbished in 2003
Cycle time 2,2 seconds – 27 cycles/min
Formato: 20 gr, 25 gr - diameter 50mm depth 25mm
Working hours: 9367h from 2003
Include pick and place with wrap around case packer from 2013
Machine was filling marmelade. Dismantled in 2015
Rebuild: 2003
Guarantee: Without guarantee
Current condition: Dismantled. Can't be seen in running condition
Final Products: Fruit Jam
Used Materials: Cups