Ice Cream Machinery OSGOOD, We guarantee that the buying process for used machinery through MachinePoint is safe and professional.
Ref.: 300040961
Year: 2009
Ice cream tub filling machine Osgood - model 2600-S , year 2009
6,000 tubs/hour
Round tub with 108 mm diameter (pre-made)
Was filling ice cream, volume approx. 1l. But it can fill also different pasty products like : yoghurt, soft cheese..etc.
The machine is dismantled and stored.
Guarantee: Without guarantee
Current condition: Disconnected. Can't be seen in running condition
Voltage: 480 V TriphaseClasification:
Final Products: Ice-cream, Quark, Yoghurt
Used Materials: Cups
Processes: Filling
Application: Clean